budgetary control artinya
- Balanced Scorecard with the system of budgetary control procedures
Balanced Scorecard dengan sistem prosedur kawalan belanjawan - Balanced Scorecard with the system of budgetary control procedures
Balanced Scorecard dengan sistem prosedur kontrol anggaran - He is also a Substitute at Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Committee on Budgetary Control and delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan, and EU-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, and for relations with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia.
Ia juga merupakan Pengganti dalam Komite Urusan Ekonomi dan Moneter, Komite Pengontrol Anggaran, dan delegasi Komite Korporasi Parlemen UE–Kazakhstan, UE–Kirgizstan, dan UE–Uzbekistan, dan untuk hubungan dengan Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, dan Mongolia. - He served on Parliament's Budgetary Control committee and the Constitutional Committee during the period of the rejection of the Constitutional treaty by France and the Netherlands and the negotiation of the Lisbon Treaty, supporting the Parliament's line on this (Richard Corbett and Inigo Mendez de Vigo report).
Ia pernah bertugas di komite Pengendalian Anggaran Parlemen dan Komite Konstitusi selama periode penolakan perjanjian Konstitusi oleh Prancis dan Belanda dan negosiasi Perjanjian Lisbon dalam mendukung garis Parlemen (laporan Richard Corbett dan Inigo Mendez de Vigo).